Our principles
There are a range of people impacted by TV production activities. Within these people there are groups who are more vulnerable to adverse impacts than others. We identify those who are most vulnerable to adverse human rights impacts as a result of TV production, such as low paid workers or children, and put mitigations in place.
Protecting the vulnerable
Going beyond crew
We recognise that our responsibilities to workers extend beyond crew to all those that work on our behalf, including subcontractors, agency workers and workers in the supply chains of TV programmes. TV should not be made at the expense of anyone’s physical or mental health.
Taking a rights-based approach
Our approach takes a human rights lens which puts people, particularly the most vulnerable, at the centre and is based on the International Bill of Human Rights, the International Labour Organisation Conventions, UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights and the Children’s Rights and Business Principles. It also recognises legislative drivers such as the UK’s Modern Slavery Act (2015).
Acting collectively and collaboratively
We seek opportunities with commissioners, broadcasters, production companies, industry suppliers, freelancers, industry bodies and other sectors to collaborate and share information that is important to understand when addressing human rights and planning TV productions.
Valuing Diversity
Actively embracing different perspectives fosters innovation and diverse voices enable better risk management and understanding of our subjects, workforces and audiences. We avoid discrimination and proactively promote gender equality, support diversity among our colleagues and in our programmes on and off screen and tackle inequality in wages, hiring and promotional opportunities, both in our own operations and in our supply chains.
Supporting Effective Grievance Channels And Access To Remedy
We listen to the experiences of those adversely impacted by TV production, ensuring grievance channels are open, trusted and effective. We work in collaboration with relevant stakeholders to provide or support access to remedy.